First of all, thanks for your interesting in DayImager. DayImager is an extension which lets you replace Apple Icon, which is located at the top left coner of the main monitor (the one has menu bar), with animations.
DayImager v0.2.1 is a small revision for DayImager. It has few bugs fixed, (e.g. It is now compatible with Greg's Buttons v2.0, and doesn't crash on Quadra 700.) It has 5 animations corresponding to 5 periods in a day. The Sunrise period is 5:00:00-6:59:59, the Morning period is 7:00:00-11:59:59, the Afternoon period is 12:00:00-16:59:59, the Sunset period is 17:00:00-18:59:59, and the Night period is 19:00:00-4:59:59. DayImager supports both monochrome and color modes. This means you can have two different animations for both monochrome and color modes in the same period of time. That's 10 animations in total. (Color mode here means 256 or more colors.)
DayImager v0.2.1 is a shareware. If you want to use it or you have used it for more than 3 days, you have to send in registration fee, which is $5 (5 U.S. dollars, check only, please make check payable to Chao-Kuang Yang), to the following name and address:
Name: Chao-Kuang Yang
3115 S. Orchard Ave. #315
Los Angeles, California, 90007
United States
Since DayImager v0.2.1 will disable itself after the trial period, people who use DayImager without registering will not be able to use DayImager after 3-day trial has expired. Registered users will be told a way to enable DayImager permanently and a way to create their own animations.
You can distribute unmodified version of DayImager freely to your friends and other BBS but you cannot distribute modified version and registered version or distribute DayImager commercially. Your opinion, suggestion, criticism, and advice are extremely wellcome. You can mail your own words about DayIamger to the address listed above or you can email me to the following emailing address: